10 Northern Ohio RPCV's had a great time today practicing conversation with refugees on Cleveland's Near West Side.

For the second month in a row, we had a strong turnout and we were able to provide a shared perspective with those learning a new language in a new culture. Our experience was deeply felt as the volunteers worked one-on-one or in small groups. With the guided questions that were provided, volunteers quickly found activities or topics to discuss. The beneficiaries arrived early and left reluctantly, treasuring the opportunity to talk outside of a large classroom setting and show off some of their progress from last month.
One volunteer, Annabel, exemplified RPCV resourcefulness when she walked across the street to the library with a beneficiary and helped him attain a library card. Another beneficiary had brought a confusing bank statement and was able to have the account terms and policies explained.
Join us in March, you'll definitely find that the 2 hours fly by and are very rewarding.
Oh yea, and Frank's Falafal was excellent as well. Thanks for the complimentary Baklava Frank!
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