Hello NORVA friends,
As you may remember from last year, the Cleveland Council on World Affairs hosts a number of short-term international youth visitors in Cleveland every year. If you are looking for something new and fun to do this summer, look no further!

CCWA is hosting a group of Fulbright Scholars over August 1 -3. Graduate students (ages 25-35) from all over the world will be participating in an orientation session for three weeks at Ohio University in Athens before they go on to universities throughout the US for graduate degrees or research assistanceships. They will spend one weekend of fun in Cleveland, discovering what this wonderful city has to offer. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodations and to show them around Cleveland. Interested hosts should contact me or my colleague, Patty Ajdukiewicz, at pajdukiewicz@ccwa.org.
Thank you for reading! Please pass along to friends, colleagues, neighbors - anyone who might be interested!
Madeline Rife (RPCV, Ukraine 2010-12)
Global Youth Programs Officer
Cleveland Council on World Affairs
mrife@ccwa.org / madelinerife@gmail.com
216-255-9007 / 440-787-6184
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