Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

Kosovo Youth Exchange Program (KYEP), is now recruiting host families for the upcoming 2013-14 school year

RPCV and NORVA member Madeline Rife has the following opportunity for Cleveland Area families.


with the Kosovo Youth Exchange Program (KYEP)

a program funded by the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo

What is KYEP?
KYEP is an exchange program for accomplished high school students from Kosovo. The program is
funded by the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo, and run by the Cleveland Council on World Affairs (CCWA).
Mayfield High School and Magnificat High School hosted three KYEP students during the 2012-13
academic year. These three student leaders excelled academically, made lasting friendships, and
participated in extracurricular activities and community service. Current KYEP students and hosts
agree that the experience of living together has been the most important and most rewarding
part of the KYEP experience.

How can you get involved?
Join KYEP next year! Families who are interested in other cultures, open to new experiences, and
interested in making a lifelong friend should apply. Districts and school communities of particular
interest include: Berea City Schools, Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools, Magnificat
High School, Mayfield City Schools, and St. Edward High School. To apply, please visit our KYEP
website: The application deadline is May 25, 2013.

For more information, contact:

Madeline Rife
Cleveland Council on World Affairs
216-255-9007 (direct)



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Comment by Madeline Rife on June 22, 2013 at 10:28am

We are still looking for host families - the need is urgent! If you or someone you know is interested, please let me know immediately. 


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