June 16th, NORVA hosted its third speaker series event at the Wine Bar at Battery Park (YOLO) on the west side. RPCV Maureen spoke, Guiana '96-’98, shared her journey from Youth Development in the Peace Corps to Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) in the states with 12 local RPCVs.
MST is a comprehensive approach to therapy for teenagers with behavioral issues, taking into consideration the entire family unit. MST therapists see clients in their homes over 3-5 months, and among other things, they help parents set limits. Maureen noted that their program observes that mentoring strongly benefits kids in less functional environments. She provided information about local mentoring opportunities for all RPCVs.
Tri-Annual Speaker Series functions will continue, and there is possible interest to expand speaker selection to outside the RPCV community. We look forward to member suggestions for speakers and locations adequate for share-time.
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