Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

Short-term hosting opportunities with the Cleveland Council on World Affairs

Hello NORVA community,

As the go-to people for cultural exchange and international friendship, I'm writing you to let you know about two short-term hosting opportunities for Northern Ohioans this summer:

Jóvenes en Acción (“Youth in Action”) program is a U.S. State Department program run by CCWA in Cleveland. It brings 16 student leaders from Mexico to the Cleveland area July 20-August 1. These high school sophomores and juniors are here to deepen their leadership skills and to develop projects on strengthening families and supporting youth to prevent substance abuse. They will implement these projects when they return to their home communities in Mexico. CCWA is looking for area families to host one or two students during their visit here. This is a wonderful opportunity for cross-cultural exchange, for while the students from Mexico are fluent in English, they are always eager to share their culture and language with their host family. Families may also apply through our online form or by contacting Madeline Rife (me!) at or 440-787-6184.


CCWA is hosting a group of Fulbright Scholars over the weekend of August 9-11. These scholars will be studying for three weeks at Ohio University in Athens, then continue on to universities throughout the United States for the academic year. Participants are from all over the world and have high levels of English proficiency. They are looking forward to seeing beautiful Cleveland, Ohio! Scholars will arrive at around 5pm on Friday and depart at around 2pm on Sunday. Interested hosts can apply through an online form or contact Ryan Ouellette at

Thank you for reading! Please pass along to friends, colleagues, neighbors - anyone who might be interested!


Madeline Rife (RPCV, Ukraine 2010-12)

Global Youth Programs Officer

Cleveland Council on World Affairs /

216-255-9007 / 440-787-6184

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