Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

NORVA Speaker Series Have Drawn Great Interest

NORVA members Ben Gascoigne and Haley McDonough have joined this past year motivated to engage of our newest NORVA members and recently returned volunteers. 

A fall and winter Speaker Series event each brought 25 NORVA members together for dinner and a presentation from a former Peace Corps Volunteer with notable post-PC employment. 
RPCVs Victoria Tifft and Brian Cummins shared of their service, transition state-side, and career journeys.  January 22nd's presentation from  Brian Cummins, RPCV Dominican Republic ’90-’93/Cleveland City Councilman since 2006, identified key character features all RPCVs hold and can utilize in their employment search stateside, such as multi-cultural communication, understanding how to survey community issues/priorities, etc..
On October 24th ,Victoria Tifft, RPCV Togo '87, CEO/Founder of Clinical Research Management shared about her motivating malaria work during service that encouraged her to establish her own contract research company, working through challenges small business owners often face.  Afterward each presentation, speakers engaged our audiences at our unique settings Old Angle Tavern basement and Le Petit Triangle by fielding questions.     
Quarterly Speaker Series functions will continue, and there is possible interest to expand speaker selection to outside the RPCV community.   We look forward to member suggestions for speakers and locations adequate for share-time.  Additional future projects include a NORVA sponsored scholarship for professional development opportunities, such as small conference interests, with an opportunity to later share conference learning with our NORVA community.  A specified mentor program gathering our newest returned volunteers is also in the works.

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