Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

Sarah Finnegan
  • Female
  • Lakewood, OH
  • United States
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Sarah Finnegan's Page

Profile Information

Peace Corps affiliation.
Where did you serve and when did you serve in Peace Corps?
Ukraine, currently
What are your interests and how would you like to be involved with NORVA?
I am currently on Admin Hold in the US and hope to be shipped back to Ukraine to finish my service, once the security situation improves. While I'm on hold, I would like to get involved with NORVA.
What keeps you busy these days?
See previous answer!

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:32pm on November 4, 2015, Madeline Rife said…

Hi Sarah,

It's been too long! I hope you are well. If you don't remember me, I'm the one who had that extremely (eh hem) "memorable" experience at Camp Excite. : ) We met at Westlake United Methodist Church, when my husband and I gave a presentation on Euromaidan.

I wanted to invite you to NORVA's Soups of the World on November 14. It's going to be an amazing time, and for a great cause (as you well know)! My husband and I are making borsch, and I know there will be a dozen other awesome soups to try, along with a LOT of local RPCVs. I’d love to see you! You can register here:

Hope to see you there!


At 11:10am on June 17, 2014, haley mcdonough said…

Hope you will join us tonight! 

Battery Park wine bar, 6p, our Speaker series is an excellent time to meet others and meet RPCVs that have transitioned home to Cleveland. 

More information can be found...

At 3:46pm on May 20, 2014, haley mcdonough said…

Hope you will join us at our upcoming functions!

Wed. 5/28 'Meet NORVA' for Dinner and Drinks at Barroco in Lakewood, 6-8, BYOB
Thurs. 6/12 Ethnic Dinner at India Garden in Lakewood, 6-8
Mon. 6/16 Speaker Series continues, location TBD
Feel free to email me if you have questions!
Look forward to seeing you soon!  
best, haley
At 9:08am on March 10, 2014, Tom Schreiber said…

Hi Sarah,

Welcome to NORVA, hope to meet you at an upcoming event!  We are all hoping that Peace Corps can return to Ukraine quickly.


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