Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

NORVA Celebration

Thursday, March 22, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Tomlinson Hall - 1st floor foyer
10900 Euclid Ave
Case Western Reserve University

This year is dedicated to getting to know YOU, our NORVA community. Join us, and together let’s celebrate 2011 and get excited about upcoming activities in 2012. We will recognize Peace Corps nominees, many of whom are preparing to leave for service. Enjoy catered food, beer and wine and share stories with nominees starting at 5:30 pm followed by NORVA’s formal meeting and elections at 7:00 pm.

Please RSVP to or 330-651-2777.

Directions and Parking
Tomlinson Hall is located on the Case Quad near Crawford Hall and MLK Drive.

#1 Hourly parking available in Lot S-10 (on Euclid Avenue on your right before Severance Hall if you’re heading East.  If you hit Adelbert Rd you went too far). You will see a small guard stand and a sign for Tomlinson hall.  Even though the guard stand will be empty you can still park in this lot (just pay at the station). 

#2 On the corner of Euclid and Adelbert there is a small lot.  It will be on your left, if you’re coming from Euclid.  It appears to be a University Hospital lot, but it is inexpensive and open to the public.  Just cross toward the Quad and you will be at Tomlison Hall. 

#3 Lot 29 (the East Boulevard parking garage underneath Severance).

#4 You may also find street parking on East Boulevard near Severance Hall. Please see the campus map for further details and public transit details:

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