Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Bob’s House
Attendees: Tom Schreiber. Amy, Bob Radl, Charity McDonald, Kathryn Baus, Miranda Lange, Haley McDonough, Sara Continenza, Christy Bartley
1.) Tech Changes (Tom)
- Addition of mailing a check as form of payment for membership
- Communicating a way for members to get our newsletters without creating an account on the website.
- New security question (currently, acronym for PCMO) may be turning some folks away.
- Report of reach: approx 80 people per month open, read and click on something from the newsletter
- Changed a setting on the website so all members can see all other members profiles.
2.) Budget
- Transitioning to shared Google spreadsheet. Only Bob can edit, all can view.
- We are on target in all budget lines this year.
3.) PAGE Grant
- Possible applicant: International Folk Festival
- Discussed ways to get the word out (application modifications?)
4.) Advertising non-NORVA events
- we will continue to post things on our website, facebook page … if it somewhat matches our goals / interests
- we will NOT do email blasts for non-NORVA events
- we need to confirm our criteria for NORVA events vs. Community Events.
- NORVA Events MUST have a sign-in sheet, photo if possible and a post-event write up on the website.
- Community Events may or may not have any NORVA members there
5.) Soups Committee Update
- Budget $1275 – APPROVED
- Board Recommendation for venue, The Nash
- Vote to purchase Soupsoftheworld.org – NO
- will create public tab on website
- Silent Auction: Angela created a spreadsheet so everyone can include ideas and sign up to contact a few places.
6.) New Member / Legacy Member partnerships
- Ben/Haley working on a project plan
7.) Membership Update
- NORVA will be featured in Worldview for our service Saturdays.
8.) Service Update
- Budget $150 for Ethiopian Lunch APPROVED
- most will be reimbursed by attendees paying $5 per plate.
- NORVA will cover the cost of the refugees we tutor.
- Catholic Charities will pay for their volunteers / staff
- June 22: Service Day at The Nash
9.) Corporate Sponsorship
- Page Grants, NO
- Soups, Maybe (idea to sell tables to corporations or have tables sponsored by corporations as in “The Nigeria Table, sponsored by Key Corp.)
10.) Unique Member Interactions
- would like to start tracking
- Tom and Amy to develop some statistical tracking device, like a spreadsheet.
A.) TOM sends SARAH the PAGE Grant application for her to look at and make suggestions for modifications.
B.) DAVID puts PAGE Grant notification in next newsletter
C.) TOM will make the default logo on the website the community events logo
D.) TOM / MIRANDA will work on getting Soups info front and center on the website
E.) TOM / AMY create a google doc for unique member interactions
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