Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

May 23, 2017 – Annual Budget Meeting 
Location:  Amy Moniot & Tom Schreiber’s home, Ohio City
Attendees:  Charity McDonald, Co-President; Amy Moniot, Co-President; Tom Schreiber, Treasurer; Cinda Coldwell, Secretary; Members at Large: David Wylie, Jeff Morris, Bob Radl
Communications/Social Media Coordinator:  Voted in Sophia (last name?), who is from Lakewood and currently serving in Africa.  She has expressed interest to Amy after outreach for this position.  Although she is still in country, she is willing to work with us and will be upon returning home in the year. 
Review Current Bylaws:  The current Bylaws have never been revised from what we can tell, and we have identified processes and directions that are out of sync with how the organization operates today- i.e.  We are not adhering to the annual meeting times; we need to update existing Board Member roles and responsibilities.  Amy moved that we create a committee to review and suggest revisions for the next Annual meeting.  We discussed asking Angela Lowery to lead the committee and possibly past presidents, Christy Bartley/Mike Bailis could be good contributors.  We voted to move forward with creating this committee.
Reviewed and Passed Full Operating Budget for Fiscal Year April 1, 2017- March 31, 2018
Budget will is available for member review.  Highlights are: 
·         Last year budget total was $6,150, spent $2,717 
·         Current Bank Balance, $24,453
·         New Budget for this Fiscal:  $5,300
o    We increased Page Grant/Scholarship funding to $1,300
o    Eliminated line items that we did not spend money on last year:  branding, new members, service
o    Reduced Website allocation as costs have gone down and initial set up costs are done
o    Suggested revisions can be reviewed at upcoming/ongoing Board Meetings during the year
Reviewed and Passed Soups of the World Budget for November 11 event
·         Budget is $5,430 with anticipated revenue of $10,450 based on filling tables with ticket holders, and without the Silent Auction
·         We agreed that the event is a fund raiser, but this year, we are focusing more on the awareness of NORVA and the causes we support
·         Added to budget from last year for procurement of Soup from refugee community.  The last event, we ran out of soup and it is important that we have plenty at this event and we want to contribute to the refugee families and bring awareness to them as well.
Reviewed PAGE Grant for Bro-Sis Youth Group Cultural Event/Sponsored by Bob. They are asking for $300 to contribute to a 2 day cultural festival at the end of July.  The festival – to be held in the Akron area - is designed to bring together kids from various ethnic communities.  Events are dinners and a soccer tourney.  We asked Bob if they could be more specific about where the $300 will go – for instance, we could contribute to a dinner or snacks at the tourney, etc.  He will take the request back to the group so they can specify and we will be glad to fund. 
Meeting Adjourned.

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