Northern Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association

NORVA connects Northeast Ohio RPCV's with each other and our community.

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is looking for  volunteer ‘citizen diplomats’ to help with the 90+ international visitors that will be arriving in Cleveland between now and the end of March. I have attached a listing of many of the upcoming programs.

The visitors are part of the U.S. State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). Each visitor was chosen by one of our American Embassies to come to the U.S. on a three-week professional learning exchange. After spending their first week in Washington, the group visits 3 cities to broaden their exposure and understanding of America. It also gives the visitors an opportunity to meet their professional counterparts in different cities. They spend 2 to 3 program days in Cleveland. We have 10 programs, (see attachment) that span a variety of topics.

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Thanks, Annabel! I work at CCWA - though not on the adult visitors programs described here - and we always love to have other RPCVs join us for these programs.

Madeline, are you back at CCWA? I just read this note and realized it's from last month. Welcome back!

I actually haven't left yet - long story - sorry I never got in touch with you after December! I do have a few pamphlets left from your talk at the Model UN conference, by the way.

We need to catch up!

Annabel Khouri said:

Madeline, are you back at CCWA? I just read this note and realized it's from last month. Welcome back!

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