Norva Business Meeting Agenda, Saturday, February 16, 2013
Attendance: Angela Lowery, Billy Lowery, Bob Radl, Amy Moniot, Tom Schreiber, Jonathan, Kate
I. Membership update
2 new members, 1 paid, 1 new RPCV
It will be the job of the new RPCV coordinator to reach out and welcome new members.
We agreed to propose a membership fee increase to $25 at the Annual Meeting to cover the fact that we are professionalizing the technology of our organization and we are trying to organize more NORVA service events and trying to fund more local projects through PAGE grants
We will do another membership drive after the Annual meeting
II. Technology update
Tom is trying to get all the lists in one place
Constant Contact is $12 per month if we apply as a nonprofit
Billy suggested mail chimp, which is free for up to 500 people, and Tom said he will consider it.
Currently we send the newsletter to approximately 200 people
III. Leadership Positions
At the Annual meeting we will elect the following positions: New RPCV coordinator, Service Coordinator, Development Director, Co-President, Secretary
Angela will create position descriptions for these roles
IV. Annual Meeting
NORVA leadership will give updates (technology, service, financial, membership)
Elect new leadership positions
Amy will create a ballot with PCPP projects that people can vote on, Angela will prepare PCPP descriptions before the meeting
We will pass out ethnic dinner list and Soups of the World committee list. Amy will create sign in sheets for ethnic dinners and soups committee
V. Soups of the World
Development Director will chair the Soups of the World committee in 2013
Will recruit a committee which will include the following positions: marketing, soups, entertainment, auction, bowls, venue, tabletents
VI. Finances and Budget
Bob gave us a financial report. We are being charged $5 per month by Charter One--Bob will look at other options.
In 2012-2013, we had budgeted $2000 for PCPPs, $2000 in Page Grants. We spent $100 in March 2012, $250 for the Benin library project, $100 for the Phillipines, and $504 for the Ukraine for $990 total on PCPPS. We will vote to fund more PCPPs at our next meeting and will include the natural disaster project on the ballot.
We will advertise PAGE grants at our annual meeting
After the annual meeting, the new leadership board will have a budget meeting to determine the 2013-2014 budget.
VII. Service Activities
January event went well--approximately 10 volunteers
Proposed a break between the first and second hour, with a rotation of volunteers.
Suggest that people can bring pictures or other personal items to share and begin conversations
We talked about possibly moving the March date, but that will be up to Miranda
Angela will email Miranda about NCPA publication
Tom will email directions and make sign for next event
Namaste is a community event--we decided that we would advertise it as a community event. If Miranda wants to go and make it a NORVA event, that would be fine.
Volunteer opportunities posted on website should be 3rd goal or internationally based, or there should be some connection to a RPCV
VIII. Cleveland Film Festival
We will choose a film and promote it at our Annual Meeting
IX. Peace Corps Week
Service event and ethnic lunch are our events
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