Time: March 30, 2014 from 2pm to 9pm
Location: Tower City
Event Type: social
Organized By: Haley
Latest Activity: Mar 30, 2014
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Join us for a day at the CIFF, come for one event, pick and choose a couple or stay for the whole day!
Coffee/lunch/cocktails 2-4 The Hard Rock Cafe
Movie choice: 3:15-5 Rich Hill-documentary about an impoverished town in Rich Hill, Missouri and its effect on three teenage boys
Movie choice: 4:30-6 Obvious Child-for a female audience; story of an aspiring comedian bringing relatable humor to the stage
Dinner hour 6-7 at Taza
Movie choice: 7:20-9 The Starfish Throwers-story of the joy of giving and the influence food can have on helping others
Film recommendations are provided, to check out all the films that day go to www.clevelandfilm.org.
Can't wait to see all that can attend.
I'll have my laptop at Hard Rock if you're trying to spot me!
Looking forward to the company, in between a day of movies.
Annabel-great to hear you will meet us at Taza!
I plan to be at Taza at 6 pm. I'm bringing Cinda, another RPCV, and we are going to The Starfish Throwers. See you in a couple weeks!
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