Susan Brooks


Cleveland, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Peace Corps affiliation.
Where did you serve and when did you serve in Peace Corps?
Philippines 2012-2014
What are your interests and how would you like to be involved with NORVA?
not sure yet but interested in going to eat at the Filipino restaurant. As I think of it, eating at the different restaurants would be good. and sharing stories would be nice.
What keeps you busy these days?
Many things but biggest is figuring out what I want to do next.

Comment Wall:

  • Benjamin Gascoigne


    Welcome back to the states and to NORVA! Thank you for your service. Please see the schedule of upcoming events for NORVA on this website and through our monthly newsletter. If you're interested in eating at different restaurants with RPCV, we do an ethnic dinner each month. Next one is Feb 19th at Nipa Hut on W. 130th.

     I hope to see you at a NORVA event soon!


    Ben, RPCV Senegal '11-'12