Requesting advice regarding PC service in Georgia

Greetings fellow volunteers,

Please let me know if any of you have any advice for a Peace Corps Response volunteer who is departing for service in Georgia in February. I'll be an education volunteer (English Language Teacher Trainer) for 9 months at a vocational school. My departure was delayed, so now I have additional time to prepare for my upcoming service.

I'd appreciate any advice on preparing for my service, but I really would appreciate recommendations on the following:

-- Your experiences working / teaching in Georgia

-- Tips for learning the Georgian Language / Culture

-- Your experiences working with Georgian counterparts / PC office in Georgia

Feel free to reach out via this discussion board or per email.

BTW: I'm also interested in the possibility of setting up an informal language /culture class (1-2 hrs per week) to practice Georgian. We can discuss format (in-person or Skype), schedule and hourly rate.

Thanks in advance for your help!
